Saturday, October 1, 2011

3.1 Reading Quiz

3.1 Reading Quiz

1) The theory that states cells come from pre-existing cells and that all living organisms are made of one or more cells is:
a) Cytology
b) Spontaneous generation theory
c) Cell theory
d) Biogenesis

2) Who discovered microscopic animals in water?
a) Robert Hooke
b) Schleiden and Schwann
c) Rudolph Virchow
d) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

3) List the three types of microscopes used

4) True or False:  The more volume, the easier it is for materials to go in and out of the cell.

5) What is not used to get past surface area limitations?
a) Divide
b) Slow down metabolism
c) Increase metabolism
d) become long and thin

1) c
2) b
3) Compound Light Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope
4) False: Nutrients enter a cell and dispels waste at its surface (meaning the more surface area the better ability to get material in and out of cell
5) c

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